Jul 10, 2009
May 29, 2009
Duck and cover
May 29, 2008
Thursday Night Farmer's Market
Mike, Brandon and I played on 4th Street during Thursday's Farmer's Market. We played considerably louder than any other street band I've seen during the city-sponsored events. No one complained. In fact, we had a surprisingly large audience, and quite a bit of cash in the guitar case afterward, which we spent on beer and Mexican food. Fun!
May 7, 2008
LaSalles report
May 1, 2008
Friday Night Lights - MC at LaSalles
Yes, yes, ladies and headbangers, Friday is the night! Entertainment! Peril! Luminescence! My debut in Mike Comfort. Can you tell I'm excited?
"Wait, haven't you played twice already?" you say, not missing a thing. Uh, yes. And no. Our first gig was a warm up, with a substitute bass player in a bar with a sick singer and no sound check. The second was "unplugged," with no bass or drums at all. So this gig really is the one, with a cherry on top.
We're at LaSalles, 10pm. Chico's "biggest" small club. Smallest big club, whatever. Smells delightfully of stale beer, year round. Good soundsystem. Fits a couple hundred college kids. Mike's band has a decidedly grown up set of fans, too. I have no idea how many people will be there. But there's a small herd coming for me! You guys rock!
My fingernail has about had it. 120 hours in 12 weeks evidently is enough to rub away my nail. Rock and roll, baby.
Apr 20, 2008
Café Coda, April 19
Our show was just excellent. After setting up and rewiring the stage monitors to work with my mixer, I stayed to engineer the sound for the opening act, Marquesa Versola, who has a clear, beautiful voice like Patty Griffin. The crowd grew as we set up for our turn. In attendance were my mom and dad, Heather, Bess and Olivia, aunt Susan and cousin Anna, friends Kiel and Yvonne, Ben, and Garry—thanks for coming, people!
We played 20 songs in just under two hours, and the audience kept us floating with generous applause, many of them singing along with Mike's songs. Mike introduced me as the new guy, and I got a lot of support when the fans saw that I could walk the walk AND that I was having fun doing it. In turn, I introduced my family, mentioned that my folks are going to move to Chico this year (garnering a big cheer) and played "Happy Birthday to You" for Dad's 65th.
After the show, I was surprised at the reactions of my family and friends. They were effusive. I'll have to ask them to post their comments here, but in sum, it seemed like they had not expected to enjoy themselves as much as they did. I knew Mike's songs were good and that we presented them professionally, but I was very gratified to hear their excitement.
It was a great night, and I can't wait for May 2, when the full band will rock LaSalles!
Below, an excerpt from "Another Side," shot by Heather with her Canon PowerShot camera. (L-R: Brandon, Mike, Aaron)